Engineered Details

We put pride back in your ride





Customized Mobile Detailing

XC TECH offers customized travel detailing. Our focus is on speciality vehicles, prototypes, media vehicles, including full understanding of advanced electric and hybrid vehicles. Please contact us for further information.


Cleaning the outside of your ride is not just about the shine. Maintenance and protection of clear coat, trim, and exterior surfaces ensures their longevity and helps to retain maximum value. Painted surfaces are just like your skin, they need proper protection from continued exposure to the suns damaging UV rays, along with contaminants like salt, sand, dirt, fallout (iron particles), road film, and acid rain. From daily drivers to weekend riders we handle them all.


In the hustle and bustle of life, keeping your car looking good on the inside can be a challenge. Your ride becomes a mobile office, kiddie play land, and weekend joy ride. Dirt and contaminants break down these surfaces faster, leave unpleasant odors, and pose allergen issues. The materials used count on the integrity of UV stabilizers, coatings, and other protective barriers to hold up to this wear and tear. They will fail if not cleaned and replenished routinely.  Put some love back into the surfaces that hold and protect you every day!

Interior Cleaning


Toys are all about play, fun, and sun! Routine cleaning and protective service guarantees that they will last longer for more enjoyment along with safeguarding resale value. Get your TOY some much deserved TLC! 

Ready to perfect your ride?